Monday, January 7, 2008


Hello everybody! These pictures were taken at the end of November when the kids were in daycare. I cannot believe how big they have gotten in just about 6 months since leaving Utah. They are definitely not babies anymore. Sam is big on trains, cars, and superheroes. He puts on his Spider Man pants and hat, Superman shirt, Lightning McQueen gloves and a Zorro mask and he is "super-hero with super powers ready to save the day" It's awesome! He's a very willful child and sometimes we struggle to keep him in line...but we are learning that it's all about consistency. But for the most part, he is just a very lovable little guy! He misses everybody at home and at random times will verbally express it.

Isabelle is a full fledge toddler (girl). Moody, ill-tempered, and whiny...sometimes. She is starting to throw temper tantrums when she doesn't get her way. It's a good thing she is sooo cute! She loves to dance every minute she gets. She loves her dolls and likes to give them rides in their strollers. She also thinks she can do everything her brother can and at times will slap Sam around when he takes away her toys. She knows how to scrap and isn't afraid to jump right on top of Sam.